buttonUp " buttonUp noSound vplayWave doneWithViewer1 pCaptionText Cancel hitList noSound vplayWave searching pictureText1 pictureText pTextTitles showClips searching pCaptionText doneWithViewer1 textViewer2 buttonUp textViewer2 displayText textViewer1 hitList hitList textViewer1 eatClicks doneWithViewer1 vPageName vHitList vPreviousLine svBuildList svLineNums svViewerShown svPictureText tonUp doCopy buttonUp sorry getDefaultTargetPath buttonUp noSound vplayWave dlgInit pCaptionText dlgBox pCaptionText dlgBox pCaptionText dlgBox static what pCaptionText setValue dlgBox dialog button cancel getValue button getValue pCaptionText bmpsmall\ pCaptionText bmplarge\ pCaptionText tiff\ pCaptionText wave\ SetErrorMode getFreeDiskSpace SetErrorMode winSaveBox doCopy getDefaultTargetPath CommDlgExtendedError pCaptionText setCurrentDrive eatClicks vTargetFile vDefaultTargetPath vSourceFile vPath vTitle retValue svCDdrive fileName svDefaultTargetPath svBookPath svFirstFixedDisk getDefaultTargetPath fTargetFile doCopy copying getFileSize fileExists getFileSize pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText getFreeDiskSpace sorry pCaptionText copyFile sorry sorry pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText sorry vFreeSpace vReply2 vReply1 vSourceFileSize vCopying fTargetFile fSourceFile sorry copying pCaptionText fTargetFile fSourceFile showClips picker enterPage buttonUp enterPage return pCaptionText buttonUp button showClips eatClicks slideNumber pCaptionText buttonUp button showClips eatClicks slideNumber normalPos 1700,140 pageGroup :PHYSSIZE Return buttonUp buttonUp showClips showClips Return pictureText2 moviePicker normalPos 1460,478 pageGroup :PHYSSIZE Return buttonUp buttonUp showClips eatClicks showClips eatClicks Return pictureText3 moviePicker pictureText xrecordFields WARNING: Do not delete or alter anything on this page! pictureText a\eTeTe pictureText1 dFile: 747 Subject: 747 in Flight Aircraft Model: Boeing 747-400 Time Period: 1969 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The 747 is the largest aircraft in commercial service. The "Jumbo Jet", as it is nicknamed, was also the first wide-body airliner used commercially. File: A-10A-01 Subject: A-10A Engine Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The engine pods are very crude-looking, non-streamlined cylinders, but they power the aircraft to a speed of 439 miles per hour. File: A-10A-02 Subject: A-10A Engine Pod Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The engine pods are very crude-looking, non-streamlined cylinders, but they power the aircraft to a speed of 439 miles per hour. File: A-10A-03 Subject: A-10A Nose Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The white stripes in this view are a visual aid for the boom operator when the A-10A refuels in flight. The aircraft's refueling receptacle is just above the lines. File: A-10A-04 Subject: A-10A Nose #1 Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The shark's face appears on 23rd TFW, A-10A's. File: A-10A-05 Subject: A-10A Nose #2 Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The shark's face appears on 23rd TFW, A-10A's. The engine pods are very crude-looking, non-streamlined cylinders, but they power the aircraft to a speed of 439 miles per hour. The A-10 has one 30mm General Electric GAU-81A Avenger Cannon with 1,174 rounds. File: A-10A-06 Subject: A-10A Nose #3 Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The shark's face appears on 23rd TFW, A-10A's. The engine pods are very crude-looking, non-streamlined cylinders, but they power the aircraft to a speed of 439 miles per hour. File: A-10A-07 Subject: A-10A Rear View Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present. Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The pilot is protected by a titanium box surrounding the 30mm cannon. Structurally this aircraft is quite strong, but only uses short firing bursts to maintain a more constant flight speed. File: A-10A-08 Subject: A-10A Tail Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present. Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The pilot is protected by a titanium box surrounding the 30mm cannon. Structurally this aircraft is quite strong, but only uses short firing bursts to maintain a more constant flight speed. File: A-10A-09 Subject: A-10A Thunderbolt II Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The pilot is protected by a titanium box surrounding the 30mm cannon. Structurally this aircraft is quite strong, but only uses short firing bursts to maintain a more constant flight speed. File: A-10A-10 Subject: A-10A Warthog Aircraft Model: Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Time Period: 1975-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The engine pods are very crude-looking, non-streamlined cylinders, but they power the aircraft to a speed of 439 miles per hour. File: A-12 Subject: A-12 Blackbird Aircraft Model: Lockheed A-12 Blackbird Time Period: 1962-1991 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This A-12 was built for the CIA and was used to test a D-21 drone. File: ANTONOV Subject: Antonov AN-124 Aircraft Model: Antonov AN-124 "Condor" Cargo Transport Time Period: 1980's Country of Origin: Russia Notes of Interest: This is the second-largest Russian plane. File: AV-8B-01 Subject: AV-8B Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas/British Aerospace AV-8B Harrier II Time Period: 1979 Country of Origin: USA/United Kingdom Notes of Interest: The Harrier II is used by the US Marine Corps. The Harrier is able to hover over an area, spin-turn in place, and even move backwards. File: AV-8B-02 Subject: AV-8B Cockpit Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas/British Aerospace AV-8B Harrier II Time Period: 1979 Country of Origin: USA/United Kingdom Notes of Interest: The Harrier II is used by the US Marine Corps. The big box area in the front of the cockpit has the pilot's "head-up" display, instrument panel, and moving map display. File: B-1B-01 Subject: B-1B Front View Aircraft Model: Rockwell B-1B Time Period: 1985 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The first B-1B was ordered in 1982 to replace the B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high-speed, low- altitude missions. File: B-1B-02 Subject: B-1B in Flight Aircraft Model: Rockwell B-1B Time Period: 1985 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-1B was ordered in 1982 to replace the B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high-speed, low-altitude missions. In the Gulf War, however, it was the old B-52 that was used. File: B-1B-03 Subject: B-1B Nose Aircraft Model: Rockwell B-1B Time Period: 1985 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The first B-1B was ordered in 1982 to replace the B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high-speed, low- altitude missions. In the Gulf War, however, it was the old B-52 that was used. File: B-1B-04 Subject: B-1B Tail Aircraft Model: Rockwell B-1B Time Period: 1985 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Back view. The first B-1B was ordered in 1982 to replace the B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high- speed, low-altitude missions. File: B-1B-05 Subject: B-1B Takeoff Aircraft Model: Rockwell B-1B Time Period: 1985 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The first B-1B was ordered in 1982 to replace the B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high-speed, low- altitude missions. In the Gulf War, however, it was the old B-52 that was used. File: B-1B-06 Subject: B-1B Underside Aircraft Model: Rockwell B-1B Time Period: 1985 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The B-1B was ordered in 1982 to replace the B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high-speed, low-altitude missions. The paint used is similar to that used on the Stealth Fighter and gives the aircraft a lower infra-red and radar signature. File: B-52G-01 Subject: B-52G Bomber Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-02 Subject: B-52G Cockpit Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Nose art is becoming popular again on military aircraft. Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-03 Subject: B-52G Engine Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-04 Subject: B-52G Front View Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-05 Subject: B-52G Landing Gear Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-06 Subject: B-52G Nose Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-07 Subject: B-52G Nose, Side View Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-08 Subject: B-52G Tail Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B-52G-09 Subject: B-52G Tail Gun Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. Tail-end stinger remote-control gun turret. File: B-52G-10 Subject: B-52G Wing Aircraft Model: Boeing B-52G Time Period: 1952-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Called "BUFF" (Big, Ugly, Fat Fellah), most B-52Gs are older than their pilots. The "smoke" that surrounds the plane during take-off is due to its full water injection system. File: B1-B-1 Subject: B-1B Bomber Aircraft Model: Rockwell B-1B Time Period: 1985 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This view of a B1-B flying "dirty," which means "everything down" including flaps and landing gear. This creates a great deal of drag on the aircraft and is difficult to fly. The first B-1B was ordered in 1982 to replace the B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high-speed, low- altitude missions. File: BLUEANGL Subject: Blue Angels Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet Time Period: 1978 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Photo shows Blue Angels aircraft. File: BOENG747 Subject: Boeing 747-400 Aircraft Model: Boeing 747-400 Time Period: 1969 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The 747 is the largest aircraft in commercial service. The "Jumbo Jet", as it is nicknamed, was also the first wide-body airliner used commercially. File: C-141B01 Subject: C-141B Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This view shows Dimensurate Cargo Deployment from the C-141B Starlifter, similar to that used during Operation Desert Storm. File: C-141B02 Subject: C-141B Controls Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This view shows the throttle bank on the C-141B. The Starlifter was the first jet-powered Air Force transport with a maximum cruising speed of 495 miles per hour. File: C-141B03 Subject: C-141B Copilot Controls Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Co-pilot's controls. The Starlifter was the first jet-powered Air Force transport with a maximum cruising speed of 495 miles per hour. File: C-141B04 Subject: C-141B Drop Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This view shows Dimensurate Cargo Deployment from the C-141B Starlifter, similar to that used during Operation Desert Storm. File: C-141B05 Subject: C-141B Drop #2 Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This view shows Dimensurate Cargo Deployment from the C-141B Starlifter, similar to that used during Operation Desert Storm. File: C-141B06 Subject: C-141B in Flight Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Starlifter was the first jet powered Air Force transport with a maximum cruising speed of 495 miles per hour. File: C-141B07 Subject: C-141B Panel Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: View of the control set between the pilot's seat on the left and the co-pilot's seat on the right. The Starlifter was the first jet-powered Air Force transport with a maximum cruising speed of 495 miles per hour. File: C-141B08 Subject: C-141B Pilot Cockpit Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Pilot's cockpit view. The Starlifter was the first jet-powered Air Force transport with a maximum cruising speed of 495 miles per hour. File: C-141B09 Subject: C-141B Runway Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Starlifter was the first jet-powered Air Force transport with a maximum cruising speed of 495 miles per hour. File: C-141B10 Subject: C-141B Tail Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Time Period: 1963 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This view highlights the interesting T-tail of the C-141B. The Starlifter was the first jet-powered Air Force transport with a maximum cruising speed of 495 miles per hour. File: C-5A Subject: C-5A Aircraft Model: Lockheed C-5A Galaxy Time Period: 1968 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Galaxy was the largest aircraft in the world for 15 years. Its maximum load for take-off is 837,000 lbs, with a top speed of 564 miles per hour. File: CONCORD1 Subject: Concorde Aircraft Model: Aerospatiale/British Aerospace Concorde Time Period: 1969 Country of Origin: France/United Kingdom Notes of Interest: This is the only supersonic commercial aircraft presently flying. File: CONCORD2 Subject: Concorde-Flyby Aircraft Model: Aerospatiale/British Aerospace Concorde Time Period: 1969 Country of Origin: France/United Kingdom Notes of Interest: This is the only supersonic commercial aircraft presently flying. It has a cruising speed of 1,450 miles per hour at an altitude of 54,500 feet. File: EA-6B Subject: EA-6B Prowler Aircraft Model: Grumman EA-6B Prowler Time Period: 1972 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The Prowler "jams" enemy threats with the ALQ-99 tactical system. It has basically the same airframe and structure as the A-6 Intruder, but has tandem cockpits for the four-man crew. File: F-111F Subject: F-111F Aircraft Model: General Dynamics F-111F Aardvark Time Period: 1964 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The rear end of the F-111 is dominated by huge variable-area exhaust nozzles. The cargo side fairings contain ECM equipment. File: F-117A01 Subject: F-117A Drag Chute Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Between the back fins is a two-door panel for the drag shoot. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A02 Subject: F-117A Engine Intake Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The engine intake screen is larger than the General Electric F404. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A03 Subject: F-117A Engine View Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-117A is optimized to provide minimal radar return. Note the radar reflectors on each engine compartment. The exhaust exits are lined with ceramic- tiled knife edge blades for cooling, helping to hide engine heat from infrared sensors. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A04 Subject: F-117A Engine View 2 Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The exhaust exits are lined with ceramic-tiled knife edge blades for cooling, helping to hide engine heat from infrared sensors. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A05 Subject: F-117A Front Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-117A lands at very high speed and always uses a brake parachute to reduce the amount of runway needed to stop. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A06 Subject: F-117A Front Side Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A07 Subject: F-117A Landing Gear Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-117A uses stock F-15 landing gear. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A08 Subject: F-117A Nose Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Four pitot tubes are mounted asymmetrically on nose leading edge. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A09 Subject: F-117A Radar Box Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The hexagonal box on the side of the aircraft gives the F-117A a radar footprint in commercial radar zones. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A10 Subject: F-117A Rear Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." The F-117A is optimized to provide minimal radar return. Note the radar reflectors on each engine compartment. File: F-117A11 Subject: F-117A Right Front Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A12 Subject: F-117A Stealth Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. An A-7D trainer aircraft was used to train the pilots during daylight hours. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A13 Subject: F-117A Tactical Logo Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: In this view is the Tactical Air Command logo. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A14 Subject: F-117A Tail Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-117A's main structure is made from aluminum alloys with complex facet panels to optimize minimal radar return. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A15 Subject: F-117A Tail Gear Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." The F-117A uses stock F-15 landing gear. File: F-117A16 Subject: F-117A V-Tail Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The V-Tail assembly has an unusual double-diamond airfoil. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A17 Subject: F-117A Windscreen Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The gold film laminate windscreen is radar reflective. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." File: F-117A18 Subject: F-117A Wing Aircraft Model: Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter Time Period: 1982-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The exhaust exits are lined with ceramic-tiled knife edge blades for cooling, helping to hide engine heat from infrared sensors. The public didn't know of this military aircraft until November 1988. The Stealth Fighter was only flown at night from its secret air base, in a remote corner of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. The pilots who fly the F-117A have nicknamed it the "Black Jet." The engine intake screen is larger than the General Electric F404. File: F-14-01 Subject: F-14 Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Used by the US Navy. The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. File: F-14-02 Subject: F-14 in Flight Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Iran is the only other country, other than the United States, to fly the F-14 Tomcat. Most of the 80 Tomcats in Iran are grounded due to a lack of parts. The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. and, New Y pictureText1 pageGroup pictureText pictureText3 keyPressed playWave enterPage displayText xdisplayText showLargeBMP buttonUp keyDown largePicError scrollText stopSlideShow showSmallBMP leavePage doneWithViewer1 tbkMCIwaveChk enterPage clickText1 pCaptionText aboutText1 pCaptionText aboutText2 pCaptionText copying pCaptionText copying pCaptionText searching pCaptionText searching pCaptionText pictureText pictureText fileList ;,showSmallBMP vplayWave moviePicker vCounter svPicAmount filelist svPictureText svShowClipsEntered showSmallBMP displayText window bmpFile state hide tbkBitmap close bmpFile tbkBitmap DestroyWindow bmpsmall\ alias bmpFile style child tbkBitmapchk close blackFile tbkBitmap tbkmmerrorstring istopSlideShow window bmpFile position tbkBitmapchk window bmpFile state show tbkBitmapchk status bmpFile window 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vplayWave tbkmmerrorstring retVal notif displayText textDisplayer textDisplayer pictureText pictureText textDisplayer2 vText vTextNum vPage slideNumber svPictureText xdisplayText textDisplayer textDisplayer pictureText pictureText1 textDisplayer2 vText slideNumber buttonUp istopSlideShow eatClicks svSlideShow keyDown istopSlideShow textdisplayer2 scrollText textdisplayer2 textdisplayer scrollText textdisplayer textdisplayer2 scrollText textdisplayer2 textdisplayer scrollText textdisplayer svSlideShow scrollText fWhat stopSlideShow close waveFile tbkMCI tbkTimerStop controlPanel textViewer1 textViewer1 textViewer2 textViewer2 window blackFile state show tbkBitmap ;,showSmallBMP close blackFile tbkBitmap button Slide Show eatClicks svLargePicHandle svSlideShow svCanPlayWave svLargeBMPfile svViewerShown leavePage noSound vplayWave window bmpFile state hide tbkBitmap close bmpFile tbkBitmap svPicAmount doneWithViewer1 textViewer1 textDisplayer hitList search search eatClicks svViewerShown winSaveBox winSaveBox GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalAlloc GlobalLock pfileName GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetSaveFileName GlobalUnlock GlobalFree GlobalUnlock GlobalFree GlobalUnlock GlobalFree GlobalUnlock GlobalFree GlobalUnlock GlobalFree vFileName pInitDir hInitDir InitDir pFileTitle hFileTitle pFileName hFileName totalLength pFilter hFilter filter StructByteCount pOPENFILENAME hOPENFILENAME fFilterName fFilter fDefaultTargetDir pictureText4 pFilelist h/pTextTitles System :PRINTLAYOUT gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| Tms Rmn aloha1,aloha2,aloha3,aloha4,aloha5,batik1,batik2,batik3,batik4,batik5,bloom1,bloom2,bloom3,bloom4,bloom5,busines1,busines2,busines3,busines4,busines5,jets1,jets2,jets3,jets4,jets5,majest1,majest2,majest3,majest4,majest5,money1,money2,money3,money4,money5,props1,props2,props3,props4,props5,view1,view2,view3,view4,view5,wild1,wild2,wild3,wild4,wild5 pMovieTitles deep1,deep2,tropic1,tropic2,bloom1,bloom2,world1,world2 ericana ic2,bloom1,bloom2,world1,world2 Arial world1 world2 apll11ln apll11rt aplllnc1 aplllnc2 aplllnc3 atlas columbia crater gemini1 gemini2 kennedy lemrover lunarrbt nghtmssn sheppard shuttle skylab spacewlk spinsat sts7slly thglhsln venusprb viking voyager JT001 JT002 JT003 JT004 JT005 JT006 JT007 JT008 JT009 JT010 JT011 JT012 JT013 JT014 JT015 JT016 JT017 JT018 JT019 JT020 JT021 JT022 JT023 JT024 JT025 JT026 JT027 JT028 JT029 JT030 JT031 JT032 JT033 JT034 JT035 JT036 JT037 JT038 JT039 JT040 JT041 JT042 JT043 JT044 JT045 JT046 JT047 JT048 JT049 JT050 JT051 JT052 JT053 JT054 JT055 JT056 JT057 JT058 JT059 JT060 JT061 JT062 JT063 JT064 JT065 JT066 JT067 JT068 JT069 JT070 JT071 JT072 JT073 JT074 JT075 JT076 JT077 JT078 JT079 JT080 JT081 JT082 JT083 JT084 JT085 JT086 JT087 JT088 JT089 JT090 JT091 JT092 JT093 JT094 JT095 JT096 JT097 JT098 JT099 JT100 AFTRBRNV BARRELV BLUE1V BLUE2V BLUE3V BLUE4V BLUE5V CANAPYV CIRCLE1V CIRCLE2V CLOUDSV FIGHTERV FLYBYV HARIER1V HARIER2V JETS1V JETS2V KC135V LANDING STEALT1V STEALT2V STEALT3V TAKEOF1V TAKOFF2V TAXIV NY035 NY036 NY037 NY038 NY039 NY040 NY041 NY042 NY043 NY044 NY045 NY046 NY047 NY048 NY049 NY050 NY051 NY052 NY053 NY054 NY055 NY056 NY057 NY058 NY059 NY060 NY061 NY062 NY063 NY064 NY065 NY066 NY067 NY068 NY069 NY070 NY071 NY072 NY073 NY074 NY075 NY076 NY077 NY078 NY079 NY080 NY081 NY082 NY083 NY084 NY085 NY086 NY087 NY088 NY089 NY090 NY091 NY092 NY093 NY094 NY095 NY096 NY097 NY098 NY099 NY100 NY090 NY091 NY092 NY093 NY094 NY095 NY096 NY097 NY098 NY099 NY100 a-10a-01 a-10a-02 a-10a-03 a-10a-04 a-10a-05 a-10a-06 a-10a-07 a-10a-08 a-10a-09 a-10a-10 antonov au-8b-01 au-8b-02 b-1b-01 b-1b-02 b-1b-03 b-1b-04 b-1b-05 b-1b-06 b-52g-01 b-52g-02 b-52g-03 b-52g-04 b-52g-05 b-52g-06 b-52g-07 b-52g-08 b-52g-09 b-52g-10 b1-b-1 blueangl boeng747 c-141b01 c-141b02 c-141b03 c-141b04 c-141b05 c-141b06 c-141b07 c-141b08 c-141b09 c-141b10 concord1 concord2 ea-6b f-111f f-117a01 f-117a02 f-117a03 f-117a04 f-117a05 f-117a06 f-117a07 f-117a08 f-117a09 f-117a10 f-117a11 f-117a12 f-117a13 f-117a14 f-117a15 f-117a16 f-117a17 f-117a18 f-14-01 f-14-02 f-14-03 f-14-04 f-14-05 f-14-06 f-14-07 f-14-08 f-14-09 f-15-1 f-15-2 f-15-3 f-16-1 f-16-2 f-16-3 f-16-4 f-16-5 f-4g-1 f-4g-2 f-4g-3 fa-18-1 fa-18-2 fa-18-3 harrier kc-10a-1 kc-10a-2 kc-135 rf-4b su-27 victor1 victor2 victor3 a-10a-01 a-10a-02 a-10a-03 a-10a-04 a-10a-05 a-10a-06 a-10a-07 a-10a-08 a-10a-09 a-10a-10 antonov av-8b-01 av-8b-02 b-1b-01 b-1b-02 b-1b-03 b-1b-04 b-1b-05 b-1b-06 b-52g-01 b-52g-02 b-52g-03 b-52g-04 b-52g-05 b-52g-06 b-52g-07 b-52g-08 b-52g-09 b-52g-10 b1-b-1 blueangl boeng747 c-141b01 c-141b02 c-141b03 c-141b04 c-141b05 c-141b06 c-141b07 c-141b08 c-141b09 c-141b10 concord1 concord2 ea-6b f-111f f-117a01 f-117a02 f-117a03 f-117a04 f-117a05 f-117a06 f-117a07 f-117a08 f-117a09 f-117a10 f-117a11 f-117a12 f-117a13 f-117a14 f-117a15 f-117a16 f-117a17 f-117a18 f-14-01 f-14-02 f-14-03 f-14-04 f-14-05 f-14-06 f-14-07 f-14-08 f-14-09 f-15-1 f-15-2 f-15-3 f-16-1 f-16-2 f-16-3 f-16-4 f-16-5 f-4g-1 f-4g-2 f-4g-3 fa-18-1 fa-18-2 fa-18-3 harrier kc-10a-1 kc-10a-2 kc-135 rf-4b su-27 victor1 victor2 victor3 #ale's William Tecumseh Sherman Grand Central Station Subway Wall Street and Trinity Church Central Park #4 Gramercy Park East Municipal Building Manhattan Liberty and the City xiko DATEI: Hawaiische Inselkette DATEI: Henderson-Insel DATEI: Hubble am Quertr ger der Raumf hre DATEI: Hubble ber der Erde DATEI: Hubble ber Puerto Rico DATEI: Hubble beim Entfalten der Sonnenzellenfl DATEI: Solarzellentr ger des Hubble Weltraumteleskops DATEI: Hubble Teleskop DATEI: Irwin am Mondrover DATEI: Jupiter DATEI: Nahaufnahme von Jupiter DATEI: Lagune-Nebel DATEI: Titicacasee DATEI: Long Island DATEI: Vulkan Mauna Loa DATEI: Merkur DATEI: Gro raum Chicago DATEI: Gro raum Washington, DC DATEI: Mond DATEI: Mondaufgang DATEI: Moskau DATEI: Mt. Shasta DATEI: Neptun, gefiltertes Foto DATEI: Neptun, oranger Filter DATEI: New York DATEI: New York/New Jersey DATEI: Nachtstart, Atlantis DATEI: Nachtstart, Columbia DATEI: Nildelta DATEI: Niltal DATEI: Okinawa, Japan DATEI: Orion-Nebel, M42 DATEI: Persischer Golf DATEI: Der Planet Venus DATEI: Pluto und Charon DATEI: Portland, Oregon, Landsat DATEI: Radiostern DATEI: Sahara Mount Rushmore Tetons Old Faithful Grand Tetons Devil's Tower Covered Wagon Buffalo Tepees Lake Groton Shoreline Boathouse Maine Lighthouse Lobster Barn Pumpkin Patch Red Barn Cemetery Mayflower Minuteman Washington Beacon Hill Boston Common Harvard Faneuil Hall Mass. Statehouse Boston Skyline Minneapolis Chicago Skyline Chicago River Cleveland Bridge Cleveland Erie Canal Niagara Falls New York City Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Manhattan New York Public Library Brooklyn Bridge Covered Bridge Red Covered Bridge Pennsylvania Bridge New England Church Valley Forge Philadelphia Skyline Philadelphia Liberty Bell Philadelphia Art Museum Washington and Flag Baltimore Baltimore Aquarium U.S. Capitol White House Supreme Court Smithsonian Reflecting Pool Jefferson Monument Lincoln Memorial Viet Nam Memorial Viet Nam Wall Iwo Jima Memorial Washington Monument White House Rotunda Atlanta Miami Beach Miami Key West Key West Sunset New Orleans Skyline French Quarter Rue Bourbon New Orleans Church Natchez St. Louis Gateway Arch, St. Louis Dallas The Alamo Adobe The Grand Canyon Las Vegas Hollywood & Vine Griffith Observatory Malibu Surfer Golden Gate Cable Car San Francisco Victorian Houses Alcatraz Island Golden Gate Fog Astoria Bridge Puget Sound Ferry Seattle Seattle at Night Pike Place Market Fort Vancouver Medicine Wagon Oregon Farm Paul Bunyan Drive-Thru Tree Redwood Forest Skylab-Bild von der Sonne Skylab-Aufnahme, S ditalien Sonnenscheibe Sonneneruptionen dchinesisches Meer ditalien Start der Raumf Sonnenfinsternis im Weltraum Sonnenspiegelung im Ozean Die Milchstra Tropischer Sturm rkei und Mittelmeer Tyrrhenisches Meer Uranus Vela Supernova Venuswolken Vulkan auf der Venus Gebiet um Washington, DC Westliche Hemisph Weltansicht field id 754 of page id 1 bEGfDEvq A-10A Engine A-10A Engine Pod A-10A Nose A-10A Nose #1 A-10A Nose #2 A-10A Nose #3 A-10A Rear View A-10A Tail A-10A Thunderbolt II A-10A Warthog A-12 Blackbird Antonov AN-124 AU-8B AU-8B Cockpit B-1B Front View B-1B in Flight B-1B Nose B-1B Tail B-1B Takeoff B-1B Underside B-52G Bomber B-52G Cockpit B-52G Engine B-52G Front View B-52G Landing Gear B-52G Nose B-52G Nose, Side View B-52G Tail B-52G Tail Gun B-52G Wing B-1B Bomber Blue Angels Boeing 747-400 C-141B C-141B Controls C-141B Copilot Controls C-141B Drop C-141B Drop #2 C-141B in Flight C-141B Panel C-141B Pilot Cockpit C-141B Runway C-141B Tail Concorde Concorde-Flyby EA-6B Prowler F-111F F-117A Drag Chute F-117A Engine Intake F-117A Engine View F-117A Engine View 2 F-117A Front F-117A Front Side F-117A Landing Gear F-117A Nose F-117A Radar Box F-117A Rear F-117A Right Front F-117A Stealth F-117A Tactical Logo F-117A Tail F-117A Tail Gear F-117A V-Tail F-117A Windscreen F-117A Wing F-14 in Flight F-14 Nose F-14 on Runway F-14 Profile F-14 Rear View F-14 Shark F-14 Taxi F-14 Tomcat F-15 Eagle F-15 Eagle Formation F-15 Formation F-16 Group F-16 Tail F-16's F-16's on Runway F-4 Phantom III F-4G Cockpit F-4G with Missle F/A-18 F/A-18 Canopy F/A-18 Tails Harrier II KC-10A KC-10A Extender KC-135 RF-4B Su-27 Victor K.MK 2 Victor K.MK2 Front Victor K.MK2 Nose 747 in Flight A-10A Engine A-10A Engine Pod A-10A Nose A-10A Nose #1 A-10A Nose #2 A-10A Nose #3 A-10A Rear View A-10A Tail A-10A Thunderbolt II A-10A Warthog A-12 Blackbird Antonov AN-124 AU-8B AU-8B Cockpit B-1B Front View B-1B in Flight B-1B Nose B-1B Tail B-1B Takeoff B-1B Underside B-52G Bomber B-52G Cockpit B-52G Engine B-52G Front View B-52G Landing Gear B-52G Nose B-52G Nose, Side View B-52G Tail B-52G Tail Gun B-52G Wing B-1B Bomber Blue Angels Boeing 747-400 C-141B C-141B Controls C-141B Copilot Controls C-141B Drop C-141B Drop #2 C-141B in Flight C-141B Panel C-141B Pilot Cockpit C-141B Runway C-141B Tail Concorde Concorde-Flyby EA-6B Prowler F-111F F-117A Drag Chute F-117A Engine Intake F-117A Engine View F-117A Engine View 2 F-117A Front F-117A Front Side F-117A Landing Gear F-117A Nose F-117A Radar Box F-117A Rear F-117A Right Front F-117A Stealth F-117A Tactical Logo F-117A Tail F-117A Tail Gear F-117A V-Tail F-117A Windscreen F-117A Wing F-14 in Flight F-14 Nose F-14 on Runway F-14 Profile F-14 Rear View F-14 Shark F-14 Taxi F-14 Tomcat F-15 Eagle F-15 Eagle Formation F-15 Formation F-16 Group F-16 Tail F-16's F-16's on Runway F-4 Phantom III F-4G Cockpit F-4G with Missle F/A-18 F/A-18 Canopy F/A-18 Tails Harrier II KC-10A KC-10A Extender KC-135 RF-4B Su-27 Victor K.MK 2 Victor K.MK2 Front Victor K.MK2 Nose 747 in Flight A-10A Engine A-10A Engine Pod A-10A Nose A-10A Nose #1 A-10A Nose #2 A-10A Nose #3 A-10A Rear View A-10A Tail A-10A Thunderbolt II A-10A Warthog A-12 Blackbird Antonov AN-124 AV-8B AV-8B Cockpit B-1B Front View B-1B in Flight B-1B Nose B-1B Tail B-1B Takeoff B-1B Underside B-52G Bomber B-52G Cockpit B-52G Engine B-52G Front View B-52G Landing Gear B-52G Nose B-52G Nose, Side View B-52G Tail B-52G Tail Gun B-52G Wing B-1B Bomber Blue Angels Boeing 747-400 C-141B C-141B Controls C-141B Copilot Controls C-141B Drop C-141B Drop #2 C-141B in Flight C-141B Panel C-141B Pilot Cockpit C-141B Runway C-141B Tail Concorde Concorde-Flyby EA-6B Prowler F-111F F-117A Drag Chute F-117A Engine Intake F-117A Engine View F-117A Engine View 2 F-117A Front F-117A Front Side F-117A Landing Gear F-117A Nose F-117A Radar Box F-117A Rear F-117A Right Front F-117A Stealth F-117A Tactical Logo F-117A Tail F-117A Tail Gear F-117A V-Tail F-117A Windscreen F-117A Wing F-14 in Flight F-14 Nose F-14 on Runway F-14 Profile F-14 Rear View F-14 Shark F-14 Taxi F-14 Tomcat F-15 Eagle F-15 Eagle Formation F-15 Formation F-16 Group F-16 Tail F-16's F-16's on Runway F-4 Phantom III F-4G Cockpit F-4G with Missle F/A-18 F/A-18 Canopy F/A-18 Tails Harrier II KC-10A KC-10A Extender KC-135 RF-4B Su-27 Victor K.MK 2 Victor K.MK2 Front Victor K.MK2 Nose 747 in Flight A-10A Engine A-10A Engine Pod A-10A Nose A-10A Nose #1 A-10A Nose #2 A-10A Nose #3 A-10A Rear View A-10A Tail A-10A Thunderbolt II A-10A Warthog A-12 Blackbird Antonov AN-124 AU-8B AU-8B Cockpit B-1B Front View B-1B in Flight B-1B Nose B-1B Tail B-1B Takeoff B-1B Underside B-52G Bomber B-52G Cockpit B-52G Engine B-52G Front View B-52G Landing Gear B-52G Nose B-52G Nose, Side View B-52G Tail B-52G Tail Gun B-52G Wing B-1B Bomber Blue Angels Boeing 747-400 C-141B C-141B Controls C-141B Copilot Controls C-141B Drop C-141B Drop #2 C-141B in Flight C-141B Panel C-141B Pilot Cockpit C-141B Runway C-141B Tail Concorde Concorde-Flyby EA-6B Prowler F-111F F-117A Drag Chute F-117A Engine Intake F-117A Engine View F-117A Engine View 2 F-117A Front F-117A Front Side F-117A Landing Gear F-117A Nose F-117A Radar Box F-117A Rear F-117A Right Front F-117A Stealth F-117A Tactical Logo F-117A Tail F-117A Tail Gear F-117A V-Tail F-117A Windscreen F-117A Wing F-14 in Flight F-14 Nose F-14 on Runway F-14 Profile F-14 Rear View F-14 Shark F-14 Taxi F-14 Tomcat F-15 Eagle F-15 Eagle Formation F-15 Formation F-16 Group F-16 Tail F-16's F-16's on Runway F-4 Phantom III F-4G Cockpit F-4G with Missle F/A-18 F/A-18 Canopy F/A-18 Tails Harrier II KC-10A KC-10A Extender KC-135 RF-4B Su-27 Victor K.MK 2 Victor K.MK2 Front Victor K.MK2 Nose deNumber buttonUp playSlideShowWave tbkMMNotify setSlideNumber tbkMMTimer buttonUp noSound vplayWave pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText textViewer1 textViewer2 controlPanel 0,0,0 ~setSlideNumber ;,showSmallBMP ~setSlideNumber showLargeBMP playSlideShowWave periodic tbkTimerStart periodic tbkTimerStart periodic tbkTimerStart eatClicks vReply3 vReply2 vReply1 svCanPlayWave svSlideShow svLargeBMPfile svBitDepth setSlideNumber slideNumber svLargeBMPfile svPicAmount playSlideShowWave status bmpFile window tbkBitmap stopSlideShow stopSlideShow close waveFile tbkMCI wave\ alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile tbkMCIchk svCDdrive fileName svLargePicHandle tbkMMNotify successful ;,showSmallBMP showLargeBMP playSlideShowWave slideNumber svCanPlayWave svLargeBMPfile svPicAmount fStatus tbkMMTimer tbkMMnotify successful picker plash leavePage startDLLs checkDLL enterPage noMME startUp getDefaultPaths canPlayWave putUpSplash checkForOldTbkmm efaultTargetPath getProgFileList isNewTBKfile getBookStub checkCueing setDefaultTargetPath checkForTbkmmIni enterPage ZstartUp putUpSplash splash2.bmp pageGroup svBookEntered leavePage window splashBMP state hide tbkBitmap close splashBMP tbkBitmap startUp getBookStub killMenus startDLLs tbkmmloadextensions tbkmmerrorstring screenFromPage verticalDisplayRes horizontalDisplayRes getDefaultPaths putUpSplash splash1.bmp checkForOldTbkmm pFileList pMovieTitles canPlayWave QRcanPlayMovies checkFor8bit calcSmallBMPpos vOffset svScreenCenter svProgNameStub svMovieTitles fileList slideNumber svSlideCount s_mmdevices svWinSize putUpSplash window splashBMP state hide tbkBitmap close splashBMP tbkBitmap style child alias splashBMP tbkBitmapchk window splashBMP position splashBMPpos tbkBitmap window splashBMP state show tbkBitmapchk vError svCDdrive fFile startDLLs kernel getDriveType SetErrorMode WritePrivateProfileString GetPrivateProfileString GetPrivateProfileInt globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock McheckDLL kernel WinHelp IsIconic IsZoomed DestroyWindow GetClientRect PeekMessage McheckDLL commdlg.dll GetSaveFileName CommDlgExtendedError McheckDLL commdlg.dll mmsystem.dll sndPlaySound waveOutGetDevCaps timeGetTime noMME tbkmm.dll tbkmmloadextensions tbkmmversion tbkmmerrorstring tbkMCI tbkTimerStart tbkTimerStop tbkTimerCapability MilliSecFromMSF MilliSecFromHMS MilliSecFromSMPTE MSFFromMilliSec HMSFromMilliSec SMPTEFromMilliSec McheckDLL tbkmm.dll tbkwin.dll YieldApp xUnitsFromPixels yUnitsFromPixels xPixelsFromUnits yPixelsFromUnits horizontalDisplayRes verticalDisplayRes pageFromScreen clientFromPage screenFromPage displayBitsPerPixel getWinIniVar McheckDLL tbkwin.dll tbkfile.dll getDriveList getCurrentDrive fileExists copyFile getFileSize getFreeDiskSpace getCurrentDirectory getFileList setCurrentDrive McheckDLL tbkfile.dll tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue McheckDLL tbkdlg.dll save.dll SaveAsDialog McheckDLL save.dll aris.dll showLeadWin isCDdrv mscdexVer McheckDLL aris.dll checkDLL pCaptionText pCaptionText vReply1 noMME pCaptionText pCaptionText vReply1 getDefaultPaths SetErrorMode getBookPath isNewTBKfile getDriveList isCDDrive getDriveType getDriveType fileExists fileExists SetErrorMode TBKFILE.DLL pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText getDefaultPaths setDefaultTargetPath TBKFILE.DLL pCaptionText vReply2 vReply1 vFilename vDrive vDriveList vFirstFixedDisk vIsCD svCDdrive svDefaultTargetPath svBookPath svProgNameStub svFirstFixedDisk isNewTBKfile tbkfile.dll isCDDrive setDefaultTargetPath getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory vSlash svCDdrive fFirstFixedDisk getProgFileList getFileList pCaptionText File Read Error j:to1 vFileList svCDdrive fPath getBookStub vStub canPlayWave checkCueing checkDevCaps pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText checkInis pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText doHelp vReply2 vReply1 svCanPlayWave checkCueing wave\ .wav type waveaudio alias waveFile wait tbkMCI cue waveFile wait tbkMCI close waveFile wait tbkMCI sndPlaySound wave\ .wav type waveaudio alias waveFile wait tbkMCI cue waveFile wait tbkMCI close waveFile tbkMCI svCDdrive fileList checkForOldTbkmm checkForTbkmmIni TBKMM.INI TBKMM.DLL tbkMMTranslate TBKMM.DLL eng,enu,usa pCaptionText pCaptionText vReply1 vFilename svBookPath checkForTbkmmIni getMemPointer translate tbkmm.ini GetPrivateProfileString freeMemory vReturn vHandle svBookPath evious enterbook history toggleStatus keyDown leaveBook killMenus canPlayMovies author checkFor8bit enterSystem freeMemory doHelp reader windowSized rePosition moveSmallBMP first calcSmallBMPpos previous putMovieWindow p (Us getBookPath checkInis getMemPointer tbkmmdevices testDeviceType tbkBitmapChk tbkMCIchk checkDevCaps isInt splashBMPpos testStretchability xsplashBMPpos TBclientWin eatClicks enterSystem enterbook pageGroup pCaptionText pCaptionText rights pCaptionText accept pCaptionText exitProgram 9315,6660 sizeToPage leaveBook close waveFile tbkMCI WinHelp svProgNameStub previous author reader reader sizeToPage first history toggleStatus keyDown button buttonUp doHelp eatClicks killMenus pCaptionText pCaptionText vReaderList vAuthorList checkDevCaps getMemPointer waveOutGetDevCaps freeMemory vHandle checkInis getMemPointer WaveAudio system.ini GetPrivateProfileString mciwave.drv mci extensions getWinIniVar waveaudio freeMemory vReturn vHandle canPlayMovies vfw_cine\ testDeviceType vfw_cine\ pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText doHelp vReply2 vReply1 svMovieType testDeviceType pMovieTitles alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCI window aniFile state hide tbkMCI play aniFile test tbkMCI close aniFile wait tbkMCI sndPlaySound alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCI play aniFile test tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI vReturn vFile svCDdrive fFileExt fDirectory testStretchability pMovieTitles tbkMCI capability can stretch tbkMCI fullScreen pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText doHelp normalScreen close tbkMCI vReply2 vReply1 vReturn vFile svCDdrive fFileExt fDirectory checkFor8bit displaybitsperpixel pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText doHelp vReply2 vReply1 svBitDepth getBookPath getMemPointer GlobalAlloc pCaptionText GlobalLock GlobalFree pCaptionText lpPtr vHandle fBytes freeMemory GlobalUnlock GlobalFree fHandle doHelp WinHelp pCaptionText svBookPath svProgNameStub helpContext tbkmmdevices s_mmdevices tbkBitmapChk tbkBitmap tbkmmerrorstring vError tbkMCIchk tbkmci tbkmmerrorstring retVal notif isInt fstring vTemp fString windowSized IsIconic IsZoomed pageGroup normalPos #moveSmallBMP yUnitsFromPixels xUnitsFromPixels rePosition first status splashBMP visible tbkBitmap window splashBMP position splash2.bmp splashBMPpos tbkBitmap status aniFile ready tbkMCI putMovieWindow vNew2 vNew1 slideNumber svWinSize svZoomedBookSize svNormWinSize rePosition pageFromScreen pageGroup pageGroup #moveSmallBMP pageGroup pageGroup vGroupY vGroupX pageGroup vCenter svSplashPos svScreenCenter svZoomedGroup1Pos svZoomedGroup2Pos svZoomedGroup3Pos svZoomedGroup4Pos splashBMPpos status splashBMP size tbkBitmap TBclientWin splash1.bmp splashBMPline clientFromPage vSplashPos vSize fFile xsplashBMPpos status splashBMP size tbkBitmap splashBMPline clientFromPage TBclientWin vSplashPos vSize moveSmallBMP calcSmallBMPpos status bmpFile visible tbkBitmap window bmpFile position tbkBitmap svSmallBMPpos calcSmallBMPpos smallBMPline showClips clientFromPage svSmallBMPpos putMovieWindow where aniFile window tbkMCI TBclientWin pCaptionText put aniFile window client at tbkMCI realize aniFile wait tbkMCI TBclientWin globalAlloc globalLock getClientRect globalUnlock globalFree vSize lpRect hRect eatClicks GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalFree PeekMessage PeekMessage PeekMessage GlobalUnlock GlobalFree wFlags dwBytes lpMsg pCaptionText request "There are no compatible motion video drivers installed on your system. You will not be able to play any movies from this program." & crlf & crlf& "Click ""Help"" for troubleshooting tips. Otherwise, click ""Continue.""" with vReply1 or vReply2 request "Your current Windows video driver cannot display 256 colors simultaneously. The pictures in this program will appear off-color." & crlf & crlf& "Click ""Help"" to find out how to install a 256-color driver. Otherwise, click ""Continue.""" with vReply1 or vReply2 Unable to allocate enough global memory to perform this operation. Unable to lock global memory. Can't perform this operation. request "Can't run Help." & crlf & crlf & "Make sure that the file WINHELP.EXE is in your Windows directory." request "The file """ & fDLL & """ can't be found." & crlf & crlf & "Copy it either to the hard disk directory where this program resides, or to any directory on the DOS path, and try running """ & caption of this book & """ again." with vReply1 request "The Multimedia Extensions to Windows are not installed, or not installed properly." & crlf & crlf & quote & caption of this book & quote && "can't run without them." with vReply1 request "An older version of the file" && vFilename && "is in directory " & uppercase(svBookPath) & ", or elsewhere in your path." & crlf & crlf & "Replace your old" && vFilename && "file with the newer one on the """ & caption of this book & """ CD, and run """ & caption of this book & """ again." with vReply1 request "The """ & caption of this book & """ CD is not in your CD-ROM drive." & crlf & crlf & "Put the CD into your drive and click ""Retry,"" or click ""Exit"""& " to leave this program." with vReply1 or vReply2 request "An older version of the file" && vFilename && "is in directory " & uppercase(svBookPath) & ", or elsewhere in your path." & crlf & crlf & "When you are finished using """ & caption of this book & ","" replace your old" && vFilename && "file with the newer one on the """ & caption of this book & """ CD." request "Unable to get a list of picture files." && quote & caption of this book & quote && "will not function correctly." & crlf&crlf& "[Error code" && it & "]" Your wave audio device is not responding. Your wave audio device driver is not responding. An unknown error occurred. The MCI Sound driver is not installed on your system. The MCI Sound driver is not installed correctly on your system. set vMsg to "You are missing the line ""wav=waveaudio"""&& "in the ""[mci extensions]"" section of your WIN.INI file." request vMsg & crlf & crlf & "You will not be able to play any wave audio sounds from this program." & crlf & crlf& "Click ""Help"" for troubleshooting tips. Otherwise, click ""Continue.""" with vReply1 or vReply2 Can't show a large picture. request "Would you like to see large pictures or small pictures?" with vReply1 or vReply2 or vReply3 Small 8-Bit .BMP Files Large 8-Bit .BMP Files 8-Bit .PCX Files 24-Bit .TIF Files .WAV Files request quote & fTargetFile & """ already exists." & crlf & "Do you want to replace it?" & crlf & crlf & "Existing file's size is " & it && "bytes." & crlf & "Replacement file's size is " & vSourceFileSize && "bytes." with vReply1 or vReply2 Your destination drive doesn't have enough free space. There's a problem accessing your destination drive. An out of memory condition occurred. can't be found. can't be copied to Enter text to find: No matches were found. request "Are you sure you want to exit" && quote & caption of this book & "?""" with vReply1 or vReply2 request "Memory allocation error." & crlf & crlf & "Cannot play this movie." request "Unable to play this movie. There are no compatible motion video drivers installed on your system." & crlf & crlf& "Click ""Help"" for troubleshooting tips. Otherwise, click ""Continue.""" with vReply1 or vReply2 Click ACCEPT to accept the Limited-Use Rights: Accept Exit Program Click a picture name to view it: About the picture you're viewing: Searching. Copying your file. Please wait... Save a File Picture Audio Small 8-Bit .BMP Large 8-Bit .BMP 24-Bit .TIF Cancel this line is not used What do you want to copy? request "Error opening dialog box." &crlf&crlf& "Error number: " && CommDlgExtendedError() Return request "Your system is not capable of displaying the movies on this CD in full-screen mode. All movies will play in a small window." & crlf & crlf& "Click ""Help"" for troubleshooting tips. Otherwise, click ""Continue.""" with vReply1 or vReply2 Continue Retry Large Small Cancel Replace File,Edit,Page,Object,Draw,Window,Help File,Edit,Page,Help first normalPos -15,-15 pageGroup rights Click ACCEPT to accept the Limited-Use Rights:s:ngungen dieses eingeschr nkten Nutzungsrechts akzeptieren:_ accept buttonUp buttonUp showClips showClips Accept exitProgram buttonUp buttonUp Exit Program splashBMPline yLargeMovie playSmallMovie buttonUp tbkMMNotify enterPage keyDown keyPressed playLargeMovie movieErrorMsg TBclientWin enterPage return pCaptionText buttonUp button cmovieErrorMsg mpeg\ fullScreen zplayLargeMovie playSmallMovie vfw_cine\ playSmallMovie eatClicks svMovieType playLargeMovie close aniFile tbkMCI alias aniFile style 2147483648 tbkMCI cmovieErrorMsg close aniFile tbkMCI break aniFile on 1 tbkMCI window anifile state show maximized tbkMCI status aniFile window handle tbkMCI realize aniFile tbkMCI play aniFile wait tbkMCI cmovieErrorMsg YieldApp close aniFile tbkMCI vLargePicHandle vFile svCDdrive svMovieTitles svMovieType fTargetName playSmallMovie close aniFile tbkMCI alias aniFile nostatic style child parent tbkMCI cmovieErrorMsg close aniFile tbkMCI pageGroup 0,0,0 putMovieWindow break aniFile on 1 tbkMCI status aniFile window handle tbkMCI play aniFile wait tbkMCI cmovieErrorMsg YieldApp close aniFile tbkMCI pageGroup vLargePicHandle vFile svCDdrive svMovieTitles svMovieType fTargetName tbkMMNotify set aniFile time format frames tbkMCI status aniFile position tbkMCI fullScreen close aniFile tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI pageGroup eatClicks svMovieType keyDown tbkMMNotify keyPressed tbkMMNotify winMsg TBclientWin globalAlloc globalLock getClientRect globalUnlock globalFree vSize lpRect hRect movieErrorMsg pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText doHelp vReply2 vReply1 first l;(8c; showClips normalPos 268,120 pageGroup textViewer1 clickText1 Click a picture name to view it:n anklicken: aboutText1 About the picture you're viewing: textDisplayer File: 747 Subject: 747 in Flight Aircraft Model: Boeing 747-400 Time Period: 1969 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The 747 is the largest aircraft in commercial service. The "Jumbo Jet", as it is nicknamed, was also the first wide-body airliner used commercially. hitList buttonUp keyDown buttonUp noSound vplayWave ;,showSmallBMP vplayWave eatClicks vLine svLineNums slideNumber keyDown buttonUp !ks() keyEnter buttonUp keyDown buttonUp noSound vplayWave ;,showSmallBMP vplayWave eatClicks vLine svLineNums slideNumber keyDown buttonUp textViewer2 textDisplayer2 File: 747 Subject: 747 in Flight Aircraft Model: Boeing 747-400 Time Period: 1969 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The 747 is the largest aircraft in commercial service. The "Jumbo Jet", as it is nicknamed, was also the first wide-body airliner used commercially. has the pilot's "head-up" display, instrument panel, and moving map display. B-1A which was cancelled by President Carter in 1977. This aircraft was designed for high-speed, low- altitude missions. ographer: Roger Goldingay mber of drawings and graphic art in over 1.3 million square feet of floor space. An entire wing is dedicated to the finest collection of Egyptian antiquities in the United States. Photographer: Roger Goldingay ingay ographer: Roger Goldingay ice as the first President of the United States), Fulton Fish Market and City Hall. Photographer: Roger Goldingay light. all seemed impossible because the reflections of people, grass and trees appeared haunted by the out of focus names on the wall. Focus on the names and the fuzzy reflection of people and grass muted and distorted the picture. Finally, I was able to frame a few names out of 55,000 and take the picture. he restroom, etc. It was a typical day on this trip plus we were carrying thirty pounds of equipment! Good reason to be exhausted at the end of the day. COLORS: Orange, Red, Pink, Gray, Black 91, shows the region to be composed of at least five large volcanic edifices or rift zones. By analogy with similar features on the Earth, Atla Regio is thought to result from upwellings of large volumes of molten rock from the interior of Venus known as "hot spots." MISSION: Magellan LOCATION: Venus Orbit COLORS: Orange, Yellow, Dark Brown t - eine Entfernung, die etwa eineinhalb mal dem Durchmesser der Erde entspricht. Zum Zeitpunkt der Beobachtung war Charon nahe seines maximal erscheinenden Abstandes von Pluto, so da seine Winkeltrennung etwa neun Zehntel einer Lichtsekunde betrug. Aufgrund der eigenartigen Orientierung des Pluto-Charon-Orbits hinsichtlich unseres Blickwinkels n hert sich Charon dem Pluto alle drei Tage bis auf weniger als ein Zehntel einer Arcussekunde. MISSION: Raumfahrzeug des Hubble-Weltraumteleskops ORT: Erdumlaufbahn FARBEN: blau, wei FOTO-NUMMER: 90-HC-598 aboutText2 About the picture you're viewing: copying copying Copying your file. Please wait..... searching searching Searching. Please wait....n...... smallBMPline controlPanel , :PHYSSIZE noSound :PHYSSIZE moviePicker buttonUp buttonUp noSound vplayWave moviePicker eatClicks U6"l noSound vplayWave moviePicker eatClicks Slide Show textViewer2 buttonUp buttonUp textViewer2 doneWithViewer1 textViewer2 textViewer2 textViewer2 eatClicks svViewerShown textViewer2 doneWithViewer1 textViewer2 textViewer2 textViewer2 eatClicks svViewerShown &:%dlgInit groupbox picture,g18,Picture groupbox audio,g22,Audio button 1,b10,TRUE button 2,b24,FALSE button 3,b12,FALSE button 4,b13,FALSE button OK,b14,TRUE button cancel,b25,TRUE static what,s5,What do you want to copy? j($&dlgBox 524480,9,75,87,207,125,,,Save a File,8,Helv,picture,6.29,26.50,103.70,56.57,18,1342177287,128,Picture,0,audio,115.58,26.63,83.70,33.44,22,1342177287,128,Audio,0,1,11.43,38.03,94.82,10.46,10,1342177289,128,Small 8-Bit .BMP,0,2,10.63,52.80,95.05,10.46,24,1342177289,128,Large 8-Bit .BMP,0,3,11.05,67.57,92.76,10.46,12,1342177289,128,24-Bit .TIF,0,4,122.25,40.49,65.03,10.46,13,1342177289,128,.WAV,0,OK,10.21,93.13,85.98,14.07,14,1342242817,128,OK,0,cancel,111.01,93.05,86.02,14.07,25,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,what,7.47,9.72,199.70,11.45,5,1342177281,130,this line is not used,0 z(ctrlID buttonUp buttonUp doHelp eatClicks .doHelp eatClicks )dlgInit ,g22,Audio ,g18,Picture button 1,b10,TRUE button 2,b24,FALSE button 3,b11,FALSE button 4,b12,FALSE button 5,b13,FALSE button OK,b14,TRUE button Cancel,b25,TRUE ,s5,What do you want to copy? ,T*dlgBox 524480,10,102,87,151,125,,,Save a File,8,Helv,,5.75,74.22,59.73,33.44,22,1342177287,128,Audio,0,,6.17,25.60,137.79,42.87,18,1342177287,128,Picture,0,1,11.28,37.13,71.43,10.46,10,1342177289,128,Small 8-bit .BMP,0,2,11.05,51.90,69.71,10.46,24,1342177289,128,Large 8-bit .BMP,0,3,93.56,37.66,47.43,10.46,11,1342177289,128,8-bit .PCX,0,4,93.56,52.06,49.14,10.46,12,1342177289,128,24-bit .TIF,0,5,20.69,88.41,41.07,10.46,13,1342177289,128,.WAV,0,OK,84.04,76.68,59.73,14.07,14,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,84.04,93.37,59.73,14.07,25,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,,27.73,8.82,98.90,11.45,5,1342177281,130,What do you want to copy?,0 ,ctrlID buttonUp buttonUp Next Slide Previous Slide Last Slide First Slide hitList noSound vplayWave ;,showSmallBMP vplayWave eatClicks vOldSlideNumber slideNumber svPicAmount 2P0<) buttonUp Next Slide Previous Slide Last Slide First Slide hitList noSound vplayWave ;,showSmallBMP vplayWave eatClicks vOldSlideNumber slideNumber svPicAmount First Slide Previous Slide Picker buttonUp buttonUp hitlist picker eatClicks buttonUp hitlist picker eatClicks Next Slide Last Slide sound buttonUp tbkMMNotify buttonUp vplayWave eatClicks tbkMMNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause buttonUp tbkMMNotify status waveFile mode tbkMCI pause buttonUp search largeBmp buttonUp buttonUp noSound vplayWave showLargeBMP wave\ alias waveFile tbkMCIwaveChk play waveFile tbkMCIwaveChk eatClicks svCDdrive fileName svCanPlayWave noSound vplayWave showLargeBMP wave\ alias waveFile tbkMCIwaveChk play waveFile tbkMCIwaveChk eatClicks svCDdrive fileName svCanPlayWave buttonUp buttonUp noSound vplayWave pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText eatClicks vReply2 vReply1 svBookInfo licks() buttonUp buttonUp noSound vplayWave pCaptionText pCaptionText pCaptionText eatClicks vReply2 vReply1 svBookInfo pictureText2 #File: F-14-03 Subject: F-14 Nose Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. File: F-14-04 Subject: F-14 on Runway Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-14 is the largest carrier-based fighter aircraft built. The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. File: F-14-05 Subject: F-14 Profile Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This F-14 Tomcat is painted in the early high visibility paint scheme for airshows. The dull, gray, low visibility paint scheme is now the standard on most military fighter aircraft. File: F-14-06 Subject: F-14 Rear View Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: USS Enterprise's UF-114 uses Johnny Hart's "B.C." Aardvark cartoon. The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. File: F-14-07 Subject: F-14 Shark Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This Navy jet features a rare shark mouth design. The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. File: F-14-08 Subject: F-14 Taxi Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Used by the US Navy. The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. File: F-14-09 Subject: F-14 Tomcat Aircraft Model: Grumman F-14 Tomcat Time Period: 1974-present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-14 is capable of covering huge tracts of airspace to great effect with long-range radar. It is the first aircraft to have its wings controlled by an on-board computer system, reacting to high speeds and angle-of-attack factors in an instant. File: F-15-1 Subject: F-15 Eagle Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle Time Period: 1972 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-15 Eagle is known for its state-of-the-art technology, and is the US Air Force's "point guard" in air defense. File: F-15-2 Subject: F-15 Eagle Formation Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle Time Period: 1972 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-15 Eagle is known for its state-of-the-art technology, and is the US Air Force's "point guard" in air defense. File: F-15-3 Subject: F-15 Formation Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle Time Period: 1972 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-15 Eagle is known for its state-of-the-art technology, and is the US Air Force's "point guard" in air defense. File: F-16-1 Subject: F-16 Aircraft Model: General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon Time Period: 1976 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The F-16 has a frameless bubble canopy with a sun reflecting gold coating. File: F-16-2 Subject: F-16 Group Aircraft Model: General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon Time Period: 1976 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The US Air Force "Thunderbirds" use the nimble F-16-9G airframe during their aerobatics display. The characteristic "Lawn Dart" shape highlights the traditional Thunderbird paint job. File: F-16-3 Subject: F-16 Tail Aircraft Model: General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon Time Period: 1976 Country of Origin: USA File: F-16-4 Subject: F-16's Aircraft Model: General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon Time Period: 1976 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The US Air Force "Thunderbirds" use the nimble F-16-9G airframe during their aerobatics display. The characteristic "Lawn Dart" shape highlights the traditional Thunderbird paint job. File: F-16-5 Subject: F-16's on Runway Aircraft Model: General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon Time Period: 1976 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The US Air Force "Thunderbirds" use the nimble F-16-9G airframe during their aerobatics display. The characteristic "Lawn Dart" shape highlights the traditional Thunderbird paint job. File: F-4 Subject: F-4 Phantom III Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, Model RF-4B Time Period: 1963-Present Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: This model is used by the US military for photo reconnaissance, and can reach a top speed of 1,459 miles per hour while at an altitude of 40,000 feet. File: F-4G-1 Subject: F-4G Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F-4G Phantom II "Wild Weasel" Time Period: 1958-present. Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The 116F-4G's were converted for use in electronic warfare to take out enemy radar systems with their strike missles. File: F-4G-2 Subject: F-4G Cockpit Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F-4G Phantom II "Wild Weasel" Time Period: 1958-present. Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Cockpit of "Wild Weasel." The 116F-4G's were converted for use in electronic warfare to take out enemy radar systems with their strike missles. File: F-4G-3 Subject: F-4G with Missle Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F-4G Phantom II "Wild Weasel" Time Period: 1958-present. Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The 116F-4G's were converted for use in electronic warfare to take out enemy radar systems with their strike missles. File: FA-18-1 Subject: F/A-18 Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet Time Period: 1978 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Photo shows US Navy Blue Angel Flying Team. File: FA-18-2 Subject: F/A-18 Canopy Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet Time Period: 1978 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: The first prototype was the YF-17, which lost in a comparative evaluation with the YF-16. It was redesigned for the navy and became the F/A-18. File: FA-18-3 Subject: F/A-18 Tails Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet Time Period: 1978 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Photo shows Blue Angels aircraft. File: HARRIER Subject: Harrier II Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas/British Aerospace AU-8B Harrier II Time Period: 1979 Country of Origin: USA/United Kingdom Notes of Interest: The Harrier II is used by the US Marine Corps. The Harrier is able to hover over an area, spin-turn in place, and even move backwards. File: KC-10A-1 Subject: KC-10A Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender Time Period: 1980 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: US Air Force extended range tanker. The KC-10A was patterned after the commercial DC-10-30 turbofan airliner. File: KC-10A-2 Subject: KC-10A Extender Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender Time Period: 1980 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: US Air Force Extended-Range Tanker. The KC-10A was patterned after the commercial DC-10-30 turbofan airliner. File: KC-135 Subject: KC-135 Aircraft Model: Boeing KC-1351 Stratotanker Time Period: 1956 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Some KC-135A's were converted to KC-135O's, which are used for the refueling of SR-71's. File: RF-4B Subject: RF-4B Aircraft Model: McDonnell Douglas RF-4B Phantom II Time Period: 1958 Country of Origin: USA Notes of Interest: Reconnaissance aircraft version. The black on the side of the nose is one of the high-resolution cameras. File: SU-27 Subject: Su-27 Aircraft Model: Sukhoi SU-27 "Flankers" Time Period: 1986 Country of Origin: Russia Notes of Interest: Russian version of the US military's F-15 Eagle. File: VICTOR1 Subject: Victor K.MK 2 Aircraft Model: British Aerospace Victor K. MK2 Time Period: 1960s Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: In-flight re-fueling tanker detailing two refueling pods under each wing. File: VICTOR2 Subject: Victor K.MK2 Front Aircraft Model: British Aerospace Victor K. MK2 Time Period: 1960s Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: In-flight re-fueling tanker detailing two refueling pods under each wing. File: VICTOR3 Subject: Victor K.MK2 Nose Aircraft Model: British Aerospace Victor K. MK2 Time Period: 1960s Country of Origin: United Kingdom Notes of Interest: In-flight re-fueling tanker. pictureText4 JJ8DHJ yyyyy KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKK jhOhh h|O999O 99999999 )999999 ~~G~~ JJ HJHJDDJD HHH?Hb yTT}T 99|`OOOO ))|9||:h9O9hO j9j99h Q{{{v >>>>>>>> `9|:| h|||||)h) jj999 >>>>>> h9h|9|Oh|h9h )O)O)` O`.`.`.KK |99)99jdj "jjhj 9h9h9j V9V|V```$nK """jj"jj9 j"hhj 99|9|9|9 O9O9O9O9O ooooo HHbAiii 9O9h9h9hOO`O` KKKKK `VVV9 hhh99h99h9h OO)|)|)| :)|9| oooaJ 9999OO O9999)h HaA A `OOOO 9V`|V9V `|||O` ```|`|`` OOO|))O.OO9))|)`..` w!>;8 *RU*yTyy K```` `$$`` ``||O| ```)99 D8DD )||)| )|)|. VVVVV KVV`VV` ;; a O)O)y &&=IoI WyyCy jV9V9V `VVVV VVVV` VV`VVVV rCCMCCCC #######-- yRRR* 66>666 J8JAJ D88E= VVVVVV V``V``V`` a=JI6 -#### G' ooo oot== VV9V|VVVVVVV VVVVVVV9 ``V`V`V`VV`" =MP=UGT! 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